Marshall Kent, United States, is 90 points behind in second place with 237, with Finland’s two-hander Osku Palermaa (above right) in third place with 221. Martin Larsen (left) of Sweden, who led the rankings at the end of the 2016 season, slipped to fourth place with 218.
By winning the season-opening event of the 2017 Tour, Barrett also automatically became the leader of the annual points list, which will determine the finalists for the season-ending World Bowling Tour Finals.
The World Bowling Tour is sanctioned by World Bowling, the governing body for the sport of bowling. The tour is the premier international bowling series that is hosted in numerous, unique cities around the globe.
Due to an agreement between World Bowling and the Professional Bowlers Association (PBA), World Bowling Tour tournaments will award a PBA Tour title if the winner is a PBA member who doesn’t accept handicap pins.
The World Bowling Tour 2017 consists of nine stops in Bahrain, Germany, Kuwait (2), Sweden, Saudi Arabia, Thailand and USA (2).
Men and women compete for points to earn places on the World Bowling Tour rankings. The points system is based on a continuous two-year cycle, where points include every event from the previous two year format. “Majors” award double points.
The top three men and top three women in the annual points list will compete in the season-ending World Bowling Tour Finals (date and venue tba).
World Bowling provides governance to international bowling and is made up of 134 bowling international federations. For more information click Here