BowlFit – PWBA Bowler Heather Derrico

One of my goals this year is to work on posture. The issue of postural kyphosis is continuously becoming more existent with our attachment to cell phones, iPads, laptops etc. After 7 years of school I developed some slight kyphosis myself by sitting with poor posture. I am using strength training to create the proper stability through the spine and improve alignment.
Got a few exercises to add to my training from my colleague @russdpt at @manaperformancetherapy! He saw this particular one at @clinicalathlete and recommended it to me.
Hold a kettle bell bottoms up and get into a deep squat while raising the kettlebell overhead. The bottoms up with the kettlebell increases the demand of shoulder stability. This movement overall will help build stability in the thoracic spine. I used a #15 kettlebell and performed 3 holds for 10 seconds each at the end of my workout.
#nextlevelscny #manaperformancetherapy #clinicalathlete #rochester #strength #posture #alignment #stability #posturalkyphosis #12bagger #bowlersmart


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